With technology ruling the world, parents of kindergartners are at a cross-road, anxious and unaware of the right way to engage their kids. Here comes the role of Astraminds, a Home-schooling curriculum for preschoolers, carefully designed by experts in the field of Early Childhood Education.
We believe that self-learning kids are happier, so parents can be happier. During this pandemic, Astraminds has made it possible for every home to become a school and every parent to be a teacher. Though parent is no doubt the first teacher, we enable them to teach not just Literacy and Numeracy but skills for life like Thinking Skills and Creativity.
Our 30 weeks curriculum (10 weeks for each term) includes 120+ re-usable activities and worksheets. The required supplies are provided and parents can be rest assured that the activities are not messy, easy to handle and fun for both the parent and the kid.
Kids need structure. Schedules achieve this. Little learners may resist at first, but they will thrive with order, and so will parents. Co-create the schedule. Exercise, some mindfulness, art, drama and music can all get time slots too. Where possible, make following the schedule fun, not routine — ideally, switching tasks shouldn’t feel like a drill but like an opportunity.